Dr. Oz Detox Shake that has Protein, Fruit and Spinach

Time to Detox!  Let’s get the vacation wheat remnants out of my body.

Dr. Oz’ Detox Shake:


1 cup frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc.)
1 to 2 loosely-packed cups of spinach
2 cups coconut milk
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 heaping tbsp plant-based protein powder


Blend until smooth.

So, I just did it.  Not hard.  If you use fresh berries, I suggest you throw in a few ice cubes because it tastes really good icy and cold.  This covered my fruit requirement for the day and helped fill in the gap for the protein hit, cutting down any hunger.  I also feel it working its way through me to cleanse me, with about 10-12g of carbs due to the coconut milk and strawberries.


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